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Balearic Social 5th Birthday

To Celebrate 5 years of Balearic Social what better way to do it than have a party with friends.

Three days of selectors at Outlaws Yacht Club from Friday evening until closing time on Sunday.

For everyone who came to Lets Get Together in November you know how much fun and great music was had and played this is another free event so no reason for not coming along to a great weekend of music and here is the line up.

Fri 6pm – Midnight
John Paynter (Psychic Graffiti)
Bobs Inconvenience Store
Andi Hanley

Sat 12 – Late
Micky Browne (Venn FM)
Aloha Warrington
Kirsty P
Joe Gill
Balearic Social
Adventures in Paradise

Sun 12 – Finish
Picko – d (BAOL)
Chris Maude (Devils Jukebox)
Martin Brew
Andy Hickford (Downtown Science)

And to accompany the 5th birthday celebrations Chris Maude will also be holding his amazing exhibition titled
Paper, Scissors, Stoned at Outlaws Yacht Club.

Chris’s artwork adorne’s the walls of art lovers far and wide and you will recognise them from Chris’s monthly nights at Dulcimer in Manchester and the long running night The Devils Juke Box.

Artwork will be availble to purchase via Chris over the weekend but also afterwards.

Look forward to seeing everyone in April.x

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